Julienne, Battonettes & Brunoise Knife cuts

matchstick or jullienne and brunoise a carrot.JPG

The basic knife cuts are common knife cuts - also known as matchstick cuts a very fine dice. Follow this guide for perfect, uniform cuts every time

Julienne or Batonnet CUts

Step 1-Cut the Carrots into 1:2s or 1:3s.jpg
  1. Rinse the carrots, pat dry. Cut into even, manageable 1/2s or 1/3, depending on the size of your carrots.

Step 2-Square off the carrot and cut to slats.jpg

2. Square off the carrot sections and cut to thin slats

Step 3 Stack the Slats and Cut to Thin Matchsticks.jpg

3. Stack the slats. For julienne cuts, slice to 1/8” sticks. For batonnets, slice to 1/4” sticks

Step 5 Batons.jpg

4. This will leave you with evenly cut julienne matchstick slices or batton


Step 5-Brunoise 1.jpg
  1. To cut to a brunoise, gather the matchstick cuts into a neat pile and make small, even cuts

Step 3 Bruinoise 2.jpg

2. This will leave you with perfectly even brunoise cuts.


Julienne Cuts: Red Bell Pepper


How to Slice and Dice a Tomato